Returns & Cancellations

Once a purchase is made, refund is only possible if the there’s an issue from Team Poornimans.com and cannot do the delivery. We would do the refund of the amount transferred, within 30 working days.

Return policy:

Cancellation is not possible once the order is placed.

Cancellation by customer after dispatch will not be acceptable.

Return Delivery Policy:

If an item is found damaged or incorrect as per description on our website or units are missing as per ordered quantity, please send a snapshot of the outer packaging and products received to our customer care at poornimanslabel@gmail.com or call us on +91 8688224860 within 1 days of receipt of the product.

You can return the item through Speed Post courier service and share tracking details and we will check with the courier for the same. The product will be returned to customer within 15 days after receiving the damaged item.

Refund will not be given if:

The shipping address provided by you is incorrect.

You have used the product partially and then want to return and/or want refund.

The product has already been dispatched and is in transit.

If you do not comply with our return policy.

If customer paid twice for one transaction, one transaction amount will be refunded via same source within 20 working days.

Exchange is possible if:

Products delivered are damaged or opened.

Company delivers wrong products by mistake.

Within 7 working days damaged product will be reviewed and delivered back to customer after receiving product at concerned department.

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